13岁的麦克斯韦·惠廷顿-库珀在菲尔德斯顿上学时开始了他的舞台生涯. 365体育足彩和惠廷顿-库珀聊了聊他在ECFS期间最美好的回忆, 他从菲尔德斯顿中学音乐剧到在即将上映的Netflix电视剧《365足彩下载》中扮演约翰·刘易斯的旅程,” and the meal from the cafeteria he misses the most.

What brought you to ECFS?

我七年级的时候转到了菲尔德斯顿,正好是新中学建成的时候. 这是令人兴奋的,因为新的空间意味着有大量的学生涌入菲尔德斯顿中学的各个年级.


菲尔德斯顿中部是我初学演员的地方,也是激励我追求表演的地方. In 7th Grade, I saw the preview for the musical that year, “Once on This Island,” and immediately thought: “I want to do that. I can do that!“在八年级的时候,我参加了我的第一个演出,《365体育足彩》,我被迷住了. After that, I was always involved in theatre productions. I got to be in “Grease,” “Ragtime,” and “Spring Awakening.“我觉得我很幸运,很多音乐剧都有非传统的音乐配乐,受到摇滚音乐的影响, R&B, and the blues, which captivated me.

Whittington-Cooper in “Ragtime” at Fieldston Upper

When I was a senior, I was in T. Co.后来,我在戏剧公司担任编剧、制片和独角戏的演员. The show, which I titled “Eyes on the Prize,” centered around themes of race, equity, and social mobility. 这对我很有帮助,因为我必须在制作中扮演每一个角色:灯光设计, writing, costumes. 它真的让我为好莱坞的多字符世界做好了准备, 他们总是希望演员什么都能做一点. 这也让我对片场的每个人以及他们扮演的不同角色充满了感激.


道德确实是ECFS教育的支柱,我认为这全心全意地影响了我作为演员的工作, a writer, and a human being. 我成为演员的原因之一是激发世界的同理心. 作为一个年轻的黑人,我看到了我的同胞和其他少数民族的不平等,这一使命就产生了. Even when I was very young, I knew I never wanted to treat anyone as less than equal, 我想做一些能激励别人也有同样感受的工作. 我在ECFS的教育更加支持了这一点,并在我想要做的工作的基调和类型方面推动了我.

Whittington-Cooper in “Spring Awakening” at Fieldston Upper
How did you start your acting career, 你最近在《365足彩下载》中饰演的John Lewis这个角色是怎么得到的??

开始我的演艺生涯是有趣的,令人兴奋的,而且-在某些方面-非常努力. When I was at Fieldston, 我发现自己痴迷地学习表演和所有的戏剧大师,以提高我的技能, 即使在我的内心深处,我不知道我是否能把它作为一种职业. 我只是想做好准备,以防万一我得到了一个绝佳的机会.

As it turned out, 一位经纪人在我从哈佛毕业前的最后一场演出中看到了我,并坚持要和我谈谈我作为演员的未来. That summer, 我与一家经纪公司签约,开始参加试镜,同时在一家风险投资公司工作. It was a slow process with lots of starts and stops, especially given the COVID-19 pandemic, which shut down every set in 2020, 但去年我接到了一个电话,让我试镜一部关于贝亚德·拉斯汀的电影《365足彩下载》. I knew right away that it was special and, after intensely studying John Lewis, auditioning, 和导演见面,以各种方式尝试场景, I was over the moon when they offered me the role. We shot last fall and will do more filming in Washington D.C. this spring. 与这些行业巨头合作并帮助讲述这个故事真是太棒了.

您对ECFS在校生或年轻校友有什么建议, especially those who want to pursue a creative career?

Explore all of your interests and try everything! Down the line, it will inform your work in surprising ways. When I was at Fieldston, I played lacrosse and golf, I was the Fieldston Student Government President, and I worked on the sustainability Green Club. 做所有这些不同的事情让我的快乐满满. When you’re in school, 365体育足彩很容易认同一个原型或遵从别人的期望. My advice is to lean into what makes you unique and special. At the end of the day, that’s what’s going to set you apart.


One teacher I remember is Miss Stokes, my English teacher. 她对学生很苛刻,我想她最喜欢问的问题是“为什么??“她总是督促365体育足彩更善于分析,更好奇. 我喜欢她的课,因为它感觉就像在健身房锻炼我的大脑. 我从她的课堂上成长为一个更好的作家和一个更好的读者.

被选为菲尔德斯顿学生会主席对我来说意义重大. 感觉就像我所有不同的兴趣可以突然聚集在一起,为我的同学带来积极的变化. 学生们相信我能做到这一切,这真的很特别, gratifying moment.

当然,还有熏肉、鸡蛋和奶酪早餐三明治. They’re so good and always hit the spot. I miss them!