菲尔德斯顿中学招收六年级到八年级的学生. These years are filled with transition, 365体育足彩的重点是支持学生的社交和情感学习. 365体育足彩的教学方法植根于365体育足彩对学术卓越的承诺, progressive education, and ethical learning.



英语节目培养热情的读者, writers, 还有那些利用沟通的内在力量来改变世界的学者. Through reading literature, students learn to understand themselves, their communities, and the diverse world around them. 他们成为能够写出清晰连贯的适合任务的文章的作家, purpose, and audience.

We are committed to developing students who read closely in order to offer insightful interpretations of texts that go beyond the literal level; assess how point of view, purpose, and audience shape the content and style of a text; support claims with specific evidence; maintain rich and rewarding independent reading lives; organize, develop, and refine writing to communicate clearly; analyze the patterns and structure of language; and use writing as a means of striving for social justice.

365体育足彩让学生接触广泛的当代和古典文学, 选择它的体裁和作者的声音平衡,同时引导学生通过访问强大的课堂图书馆作出阅读选择, as well as the Tate Library. 文学文本作为学生自己写作的模板,365体育足彩使用 writing to discover and deepen thinking. 365体育足彩的老师将语法和词汇教学融入到写作和阅读的语境中, 365体育足彩使用技术来促进修订和合作.


In ethics, 365体育足彩致力于在每个发展阶段建立批判性探究和自我检查的技能,以便学生的社会, emotional, 学术发展与道德发展是齐头并进的.

当学生们从童年过渡到青春期, 他们有机会探索自己的社会身份,并在决策过程中审视诚信问题. Our process and content are student-based, 学生们从老师和训练有素的菲尔德斯顿高年级学生领袖那里学习.

365体育足彩在每个阶段的目标都是挑战学生通过多个道德镜头来看待问题, excavate and develop their own belief systems, cultivate critical literacy, 并努力解决他们觉得相关和吸引人的问题.


历史系旨在灌输一种认识,即现在受过去的影响. While developing critical reading, writing, and researching skills, 学生学习访问和分析有关历史和当前事件的信息. 学生们在历史主题之间建立联系 识别和讨论过去和现在的社会正义问题,并为行动主义配备工具. Over the three-year study of American History, World Geography, and Ancient History, 学生们明白历史不仅仅是事实和日期, 而是讲述前人的故事以及他们如何塑造了365体育足彩的世界. 这种理解有助于学生塑造自己的信仰,培养对人的欣赏, ideas, 以及与自己不同的经历.

Through history instruction, 365体育足彩培养学生了解历史的基本工具和语言, 知道使用证据来支持历史主张的重要性, 做有条理且有用的笔记,并在课堂讨论和作业中参考, 确定并找到自己的主要和次要资料来源进行研究, navigate the Tate Library and its resources, 根据一个关于历史主题的问题,提出一个强有力的论文陈述, 了解研究和论文写作的过程, 并表现出对所呈现内容的掌握.

We use direct instruction, collaborative group work, project-based activities, class discussions, and examination of historical documents, including both primary and secondary sources.


现代和古典语言系的目标是让学生在真实的环境中茁壮成长, 培养作为终身语言学习者的好奇心和自信心, 并接受作为世界公民的道德价值观. 365体育足彩的课程包括普通话、法语、西班牙语和拉丁语. 所有四种语言都在六年级的初级阶段提供. 365体育足彩的工作立足于学校卓越的学术价值观, progressive education, 和伦理学习,365体育足彩的学生获得丰富的语言, cultural, and historical perspectives and knowledge.

365体育足彩的学生培养必要的技能,用他们的学习语言就一系列主题进行交流, 在他们学习的语言和母语之间建立联系, 并运用文化能力与不同的社区和个人交往.


We teach in the target language, 促进以学生为中心的四种模式活动(听力), reading, speaking, and writing). 365体育足彩的语言老师在强调语法的准确性和有效的沟通之间取得了平衡. Classes maintain a focus on interdisciplinary work; real-world applications; and the use of authentic material such as songs, films, photographs, visual art, fiction and nonfiction texts, online news, and overseas websites. Students benefit from technology such as blogs, smartboards, online writing and recording tools, and presentation and creative software, 学生有机会在纽约市和国外旅行.


数学系教育365体育足彩的学生数学技能, concepts, analytical thinking, and problem-solving. 365体育足彩在一个渐进的框架中做到这一点:教学以学生参与为中心, the program matches the needs of each student, 365体育足彩还为学生进一步学习更高水平的数学做好准备. 365体育足彩希望365体育足彩的学生有能力将数学洞察力带到解决问题的方式,帮助他们以道德负责的方式改变他们的环境.


We are committed to guiding students to develop fluency in basic computational skills; demonstrate a dual understanding of mathematical concepts and procedural algorithms; grow logical and critical-thinking skills to solve problems, including those where no obvious path is apparent; communicate clearly and accurately about quantities, relationships, and unknown values through the use of signs, symbols, models, graphs, and mathematical terms; recognize patterns and make connections among mathematical ideas; transition from concrete to abstract thinking in an age-appropriate manner; and apply mathematical knowledge to real-world situations beyond the classroom.

Instruction includes small- and large-group work; student-centered and student-driven projects which, when appropriate, connect with 学生兴趣,社会和道德问题; individual homework and classroom assignments; student-centered classroom discussion; integration of technology as a teaching and learning tool; and puzzles, games, and contests. 365体育足彩的学生被安排到分级课程中,这样他们就可以以他们最有可能成功掌握概念的速度和深度来接近主题, 365体育足彩的老师尽可能采用差异化教学和个性化节奏. (This includes one-on-one extra help sessions, 评估学生表现的方法多种多样, extra credit work, and challenge extensions.365体育足彩的学生也有机会反思并从错误和误解中学习, 这样他们才能获得前进的信心.


音乐系旨在通过实践体验提供全面和高质量的音乐教育. 每个学生学习在大型合奏中合作,用乐器或声音表演音乐. 365体育足彩的目标是让每个学生亲身体验音乐,并发展演奏和理解各种音乐风格所需的技能. 菲尔德斯顿中学的音乐不仅是为了获得某种技能,而且是为了共同的长期目标而在一个多元化的群体中共同努力,并培养对同龄人的尊重,无论他们的能力水平如何.

Students listen attentively in music class.

We are committed to developing students who understand the basic tools needed to perform music; know how to work together toward a common goal; understand and learn to appreciate the arts during their time at ECFS, as well as after graduation; work well in large and small groups; appreciate that music and the arts are essential to a complete education; and tap into their natural creativity and ingenuity in whatever field they study.

教学内容包括每个合奏团的常规练习, sectional work in small groups, 学生参与选材和编排演出. Our curriculum is built on thorough instruction in music theory; class discussions of music, including historical and social context; and a multicultural range of musical selections from a diverse array of cultures. 这是一种自律和精通的期望, 通过排练和在家的常规练习来实现, 365体育足彩的老师定期布置书面作业.

Physical Education and Athletics

体育部的使命是为365体育足彩的学生提供学习经验,以促进同理心的价值观, kindness, 在他们的一生中进行体育锻炼. 365体育足彩鼓励学生通过以传统和非传统体育为重点的综合课程,以社会和情感健康和福祉为中心,实现平衡和健康的生活.



科学系帮助学生批判性地思考世界,并通过探索和实验来学习. During the three-year course of study, students explore topics in environmental, life, and physical science. 学生们还将学习科学的历史观点,以及建立365体育足彩的知识体系的不同群体.

该项目位于leed认证的建筑内,该建筑拥有绿色屋顶,可作为室外教室. 科学课程也在学校宽敞的实验室和广阔的校园里进行. 不同的学习环境为学生提供了各种独特的教育机会,他们可以参与实地工作, research, and inquiry.

365体育足彩的学生理解科学探究的支柱:观察, inference, measurement, and collection and analysis of data; possess increasingly sophisticated critical thinking skills; question data presented to them, establish their own conclusions based on supporting evidence; recognize their own interconnectedness to the world around them; possess verbal and written communication skills to describe class experiences and discoveries; understand abstract concepts; analyze problems and propose creative solutions in an ever-changing world; discuss current issues in the field of science; and engage with the larger scientific community.

Our instructional methods include classes that are student-centered and focus on helping students master science concepts and skills in a variety of ways; engagement in lab experiments, project-based learning, collaboration, individual and group activities, research projects, scientific writing, journaling, written reflection, and discussions; learning by doing, exploring one’s interests, and constructing and creating models and testable questions; encouragement to be curious and think critically; emphasis on the presentation of ideas, scientific literacy, and effective communication; and engagement in interdisciplinary activities that connect science to mathematics and other coursework.

Theatre and Dance

戏剧和舞蹈系为学生提供了参与表演艺术各个方面的机会. 学生们接受表演方面的培训和经验, dance, directing, choreography, stagecraft, design, writing, and more. 该部门要求其成员创造, take risks, and explore, 在365体育足彩寻求加入并推动这些对话的过程中,365体育足彩为自己制作了一个对世界上发生的需求和对话做出回应的季节而感到自豪.

Theatre Program

Our Theatre Program has a place for everyone. We educate the whole student, from building blocks to technique, original work to student-centered projects. 戏剧培养每个学生的艺术视野和抱负. 学生是思想、身体和精神的中心.

Dance Program

365体育足彩的舞蹈课程鼓励创造性的探索,导致原创的舞蹈制作,同时发展身体技能. Through dance exercises, improvisations, and collaborative choreography, students inhabit their bodies in a healthy, conscious, and creative way.

Visual Arts

视觉艺术课程是伦理文化和菲尔德斯顿Lower之间的桥梁, 学生通常在一个工作室和一个老师一起学习, and Fieldston Upper, 学生从哪些选修课中进行选择. 6th Graders meet in the Art Room, 而七年级和八年级的学生在各种各样的工作室与他们的媒体专家老师见面.

365体育足彩鼓励学生通过视觉艺术来体验世界——以及他们对世界的感受和想法. 结构化作业将学生置于学习和工作室实践的中心. With few exceptions, 365体育足彩强调使用真实的材料而不是虚拟的材料, digital world.


We are committed to developing students who exercise their art-making and creative skills; tap into their creativity in all aspects of their lives; explore a range of media across grade levels; explore their own narratives and passions using visual art; self-direct their creative path; discover how to process their creative mistakes; find value in process, not product; see opportunity in the unexpected; recognize that there is no failure in art; and engage in thoughtful and meaningful dialogue and critique about the work they and their classmates are doing.

Our instructional methods include demonstrations and discussions; group and self-critiques; collaborative work; encouraging students to look to one another for counsel; exposure to a wide range of artists, materials, and techniques; combinations of structured and self-directed projects and assignments; and hands-on projects across the program.