“Ethics is a verb.” When Kaia Stern ’90 said this, she was evoking one of our foundational beliefs: ethics cannot exist solely as an idea or a sentiment; we must put our values into action.

365体育足彩培养学生的道德能力和同理心, 帮助提供过道德生活所需的框架和知识. 365体育足彩教学生如何批判性地思考,然后带着同情心行动. We teach our students to ask, How am I contributing? and Is this right? 365体育足彩教学生面对权力和特权的问题,以及谁来讲述他们的故事. We lean into difficult conversations.

Throughout our curriculum, 老师和学生都被鼓励拓宽他们的世界观, question the status quo, and practice ethical decision-making.

In “Ethical Issues in Science,11年级和12年级的学生探索科学在365体育足彩如何做出个人和政治决策中所扮演的角色. Each year, 课程设置部分是由学生决定的:他们根据自己读过的文章或看过的365足彩下载选择关注的核心主题. They debate the issue from all sides, 密切关注哪些价值观处于危险之中,谁是利益相关者.

有道德的生活的一部分是倾听他人的声音——尤其是那些努力想要被倾听的人. In “Silence and Noise: the Politics of Storytelling,“学生们探索那些讲述自己故事的人的特权,以及365体育足彩通常听不到的故事中的力量和价值.

Stories matter. Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and malign, but stories can also be used to empower, and humanize.

Chimamanda Adichie

Combining the study of English, history, 伦理学是一门叫做“自由”的跨学科课程,,要求学生们直面身为美国人意味着什么,以及身为自由意味着什么. 在这门由团队授课的课程中,鼓励十年级的学生接受这些问题带来的紧张关系——无论是在纳撒尼尔·霍桑还是托尼·莫里森的文学作品中发现的, or as seen through the lens of American history.

365体育足彩的社区全年都花时间在小组和社区范围内的会议上正面处理道德问题. 365体育足彩暂停了正常的日程安排,以便有时间和空间来研究当地的问题, national, or global importance.

One of these programs, called Modified Awareness Days, allows us to discuss the themes of a shared book. In 2017, 安吉·托马斯(Angie Thomas)在学生们读了她的书《365足彩下载》(The Hate U Give)后参观了菲尔德斯顿高中;365体育足彩的社区随后参加了一整天的研讨会和讨论,探索这本书的教训. Some of these workshops included:

  • 所有学校都是社会控制的工具:探索从学校到权力和从学校到监狱的管道
  • Systemic Racism and Institutional Power
  • 面对执法时有色人种青年的策略
  • 通过它的力量:理解在有色人种社区的创伤暴露和经验.

During Fieldston Awareness Days, our community attends special classes, seminars, 以及围绕一个特定的主题或话题进行一整天的活动. Recently, by request of our students, we hosted one centered on consent, which included sessions such as:

  • 在数字时代的联系:9个关于约会和技术导航的建议
  • 从搬运床垫到绝食抗议:理解和导航校园同意
  • Undoing “Slut” Shaming and Sexual Bullying
  • 是什么让一种文化“容易发生强奸”?365体育足彩能做些什么?

通过为这些事件的发生提供时间和空间, 365体育足彩坚定地宣布,道德——探索成为一个有道德和负责任的社会成员意味着什么——是365体育足彩在这里工作的核心.

Of course, 365体育足彩的道德教育的重点是让365体育足彩能够改善365体育足彩周围的世界, not just within the walls of our school. 365体育足彩的学生经常组织社区服务活动, 来自ECFS社区的人们参加这些活动也是很常见的. 菲尔德斯顿高中的学生组织了一天的服务活动, an organization that aims to end global hunger by 2030. Our students were joined by faculty, staff, families, 校友志愿者的年龄从2岁到80岁不等. By the end of the day, volunteers had packed and shipped over 10,000 meals to developing nations around the world.

Ethics is central to all that we do. We consider multiple perspectives, practice radical empathy, nurture care and compassion, 并解决在365体育足彩的课程和社区中看到和看不到的问题和问题. 学生和成年人一样,不仅要为自己负责,还要为同龄人的健康和成功负责. Ethics is a verb.